7 Days to Drink Less Online Alcohol Reduction Program

Do you have problems with alcohol? Many people want to reduce their alcohol consumption to live a healthy life. Unfortunately, most of the treatments out there are not very enjoyable. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could solve this problem within a week and still be able to drink, but now in smaller quantities?

Georgia Foster’s 7 Days to Drink Less program promises all that. Is this a scam that uses hypnosis to take your money away or the solution to drinking less? Please read our review to find out.

Click HERE to discover what hundreds of thousands of others did to take their first step towards being healthy, happy, and back in control of their life by learning to drink less alcohol NOW!

What Is The 7 Days to Drink Less Program?

7 Days to Drink Less is an innovative program that will help you to slow down your drinking. It focuses on enabling you to reduce the amount of alcohol that you drink with a few psychological triggers. After you use it, you’ll be able to drink only socially without stepping over your boundaries.

Why would you need this? Because drinking too much is bad for you. Studies show that you can develop several chronic diseases from drinking too much. This includes heart conditions, liver diseases, digestive problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

Drinking too much also affects you socially. People are more likely to distance themselves from people who abuse this substance too often.

With this fully natural method, you will learn techniques from psychology and hypnotherapy that will allow you to change your habits and live healthily. Instead of going cold turkey and trying to avoid alcohol every day, you will learn tricks that will teach your brain how you can still have fun while drinking far less than before.

This product was created by a fairly famous hypnotherapist called Georgia Foster. She has been working in this area since 1995 and has appeared on television several times. So, you can rest assured that this is not a random scam that people pull off online. Foster has real credentials as a specialist in her area.

According to the creators of this product, it has a 97% success rate, which is fairly high. It also comes with an option in which you can get your money back within 60 days if you don’t like the results. You don’t even need to prove that it doesn’t work, you just ask, and you get your money back.

To discover how you can overcome your drinking habits without relying on willpower….

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How Does 7 Days to Drink Less Work?

As you may know, acquiring new habits is easy, but getting rid of them is not. This program works by reprogramming your mind. Your brain will get used to doing the same thing, and you will be doing that before you even perceive it. That also happens with drinking. Even habits like picking up the glass and drinking it automatically can be formed.

However, by using this program, you will be able to use its unique method to discover ways to drink less by enjoying smaller amounts of beverages and being able to feel good about yourself.

The key to this program is the fact that drinking alcohol is often an emotional habit that you can stop. As soon as you understand what your brain is doing, you can manipulate it into working in another way with a few triggers.

Just imagine...in 7 days you can be naturally drinking less and that means no more regular hangovers, no more guilt, and no more angst.


What will your life look like in 7 days?


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According to the website, the program will work in less than seven days, and it may reduce your alcohol consumption by up to 50% within a short timeframe. While it won’t work for everybody, it’s advertised that most people see solid benefits after using it for at least a week.

These benefits stay with you. You don’t need to repeat the steps over and over again. As you rewire your brain to work with you instead of against, you will solve your drinking problem.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the 7 Days to Drink Less Program

If you’re still in doubt whether or not to start the 7 Days to Drink Less program, we’ll show the main perks and limitations of this product:


  • You can diminish your consumption of alcohol without needing to stop drinking entirely.

  • It’s easier than other methods that require you to stop drinking completely.

  • People who used this method often lose weight, as drinking too much alcohol brings several problems to you.

  • Live a healthy life by avoiding diseases caused by alcohol abuse.

  • It’s fully risk-free, meaning that you won’t face any kind of side effects because there’s no medication involved in it.

  • You get a refund in case you dislike the results that you got.


  • This program won’t be effective in case you suffer from a serious case of alcoholism. In this case, you should look for a professional to get help.

  • You can only buy the online version. There’s no offline version, which may be bad in case you have limited access to the internet.

7 Days to Drink Less Pricing

If you’re interested in acquiring this program, all you need to do is visit the official Georgia Foster website. You can buy it for a single-time purchase of $150. At the time of this review, the company wasn’t offering any kind of discount, but there’s a possibility that you may be able to grab one when you visit the site.

ClickBank protects all purchases. This means that the company won’t get any of your banking details. They will be protected and encrypted by ClickBank and will remain anonymous.

This is a digital product, so there are no hidden charges such as shipping. You pay it only once, and you’re not enrolled in any kind of program after you buy the 7 Days to Drink Less program.

Then click HERE to join Kylie and hundreds of thousands others in becoming a confident, moderate drinker - back in control of your own life in just 7 days!

What Does the Program Include?

After you acquire the 7 Days to Drink Less program, you will receive several products:

  • The main ebook with 7 Proven Steps to Drink Less.

  • 5 audio downloads focused on hypnosis techniques.

  • The Drink Less Mind ebook and three related audio files.

  • One bonus audio downloads to reduce anxiety.

  • Three add-on programs made by the authors of Drink Less Mind Aftercare.

These products will help you to move through all the necessary steps to drink less. They will give you self-improvement tips, positive thinking tips, and an emotional drinking chart and talk about the dangers of drinking too much.

Also, they contain several steps that you need to take to train your mind to drink less and obtain the results that you want from this program.


7 Days to Drink Less can be a good solution for people who believe that they are drinking too much lately. It’s a painless course that will teach you how this bad habit is affecting you and will aid you in rewiring your brain to drop the glass and take a break when you need it the most.

Is it effective? That depends on how much you believe in hypnotherapy. It’s a well-known form of therapy that has been successful to most people, but it’s not without its own set of controversies. So, you could research more about hypnotherapy and similar processes in case you wish to know more about it.

A method so revolutionary it is taking America by storm because it works FAST and doesn’t involve long term therapy, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home!

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If you give this product a chance, you probably won’t regret it, as you can easily get your money back in case you are within the 3% of people who are not completely satisfied with it.

The cashback seems hassle-free, and you don’t need to explain anything, so you won’t need to lose a lot of time trying to get your money back. It seems worth a shot to live a healthy life, right?

Are you ready for a way to cut down your drinking that doesn’t include guilt trips, interventions, and weekly meetings?

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Users Feedback 

John Clare

"It’s no exaggeration to say that the 7 days to drink less program changed my life. I feel fitter and many people have told me I look great. I’ve lost two inches on my waist, just through drinking less. I feel sharper in the mornings. I was always very energetic but I now have even more energy."


"Hey! I still love a beer but instead of drinking 10 to 12 stubbies a night I might have 2 to 4 & sometimes none."

John Knap

"So 2 months on the improvement was immediate I have had many alcohol free days and I can't finish one bottle of wine now at one sitting I leave about one glass left, so in one week I drink three nights a week and less than one bottle and no binges at all, so that's over 50% reduction!"

Click HERE to discover how you can take your first steps toward being healthy, happy, and back in control of your life by learning to drink less alcohol NOW!